Dark Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups


This time, it’s dark! Because I am fond of dark chocolates and find them lovelier than any other milk varieties.

It’s just TWO ingredients done in 15 MINUTES or less.


1. Dark Chocolate  (I used Dutche, but you can use just any dark chocolate you love)

2. Peanut Butter from the store (Got mine locally made, unbranded)


How to do it:

1. Chop the dark chocolates into chunks and melt in the microwave oven for 2-3 minutes. Remember, dark chocolates melt quicker than milk chocolates.

2. Pour in regular cupcake mold for about half centimeter thick for each cup or enough to cover the bottom.

3. Put in the freezer for about 5 minutes to harden the chocolate base before you put the peanut butter.

4. Plop teaspoonful of peanut butter on each mold and pour the remaining melted chocolate to seal them in.

* If you don’t want the peanut butter sticking out on the edges, freeze again for 2 more minutes so the peanut butter won’t melt/flatten when you pour the melted chocolate. 

5. Freeze and enjoy!


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